Tuesday, June 23, 2015

The Implicit Association Test and The Political Compass test are valuable.

The implicit Association test was creat to help people study and comprehend about implicit biases and the Political Compass Test seek to succer people in identifying their general ideological perspective.

The Implicit Association Test provide variety of test for us to get the result that tell what we truely think about other people. 

The political Compass Test provide essential questions for test takers to rate the statement which insist of strongly agree, agree, disagree and strongly disagree. The test use people choices to define which ideological perspective they have.

I took the Emotion detection task and the skin-tone test. My results for the emotion detection task told me that my ability to detect emotions from facial expression is high about 67%. The skin-tone test suggested me that i have a strong automatic preference for light skin compared to dark skin.

In the Political Compass test i got a result that placed me kind of in the middle but slightly to the left-Authoritarian.

I admit that the result of the skin-tone test was true. I grew up and live in the society surround with people who had ligjt skin. Therefore, i'm okay with the result. 

If you are interested in taking these tests yourself, then follow these links:



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